CIO outlook: market conditions, fixed income and equities, commodities and real assets

Facade of the Bank of England

Our Global CIO on market conditions, fixed income and equities, commodities and real assets

CIO outlook: net zero, asset allocation, corporate profits and the tech sector

Heven energy cereal

Our Global CIO on Global CIO, on net zero, asset allocation, corporate profits and the tech sector

CIO outlook: global markets, Ukraine, recession fears and supply chains

The colors of the Ukrainian and Russian flags on a wall divided by a black crack

Our Global CIO talks global markets, Ukraine, recession fears and supply chains

Investment team updates – Market updates 1 April 2022


Latest news from around the investment desks.

CIO outlook: market volatility, oil and interest rates

Middling growth, markets unnerved

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has put markets on edge. With a high level of uncertainty and rising commodity prices, will central banks change their plans on rate increases?

Solutions Enhanced: Capital Market Assumptions 2022 Making a transition

A stack of coins against a background of charts and figures

The end of 2021 saw a continuing reminder of the impact of coronavirus, inflation occurring in major economies, and the world waking up to the stark choices presented by the climate emergency. We set out the expectations for what all this could mean for investors over the next five years and in the longer run. These capital market assumptions form the base case we use when constructing strategic asset allocations for clients.

Investment team updates – Market updates 4 March 2022


Latest news from around the investment desks.

Investors confront volatility as Russia invades Ukraine

The colors of the Ukrainian and Russian flags on a wall divided by a black crack

Markets reacted strongly this week to news that Russia invaded neighbouring Ukraine. The world has been watching tensions in the region escalate since the beginning of year.

Reaction to the latest development in Ukraine

Global map

As the situation in Ukraine unfolds, we remain focused on our investment process: being active, long-term investors in companies with strong balance sheets and solid fundamentals, employing our research intensity capabilities.

Investment team updates – Bullet points 4 February 2022


Latest news from around the investment desks.