Lessons from the backyard on fiscal policy

Getting the balance correct between short-term relief checks and long-term infrastructure spending is critical.

CIO market outlook


CIO William Davies gives his current thoughts on the shape of the recovery, what impact different levels of stimulus and the speed of vaccination campaigns may have in Europe and the US, and which structural trends have been accelerated by the pandemic.

Asset Allocation Update – March 2021


At the end of last year, I reflected that you “gotta have faith in low discount rates” for risk assets, such as equities, to continue to perform well in 2021.

Discover our market outlook for 2021

Our investment experts share their views on markets for 2021. Click below to access all our viewpoints.

Threadneedle (Lux) Global Multi Asset Income Fund – Q&A update

Pensions Watch – November 2020

In this Q&A video, Maya Bhandari (Portfolio Manager) and Felicity Long (Client Portfolio Manager) discuss what 2020 has been like for the Threadneedle (Lux) Global Multi Asset Income Fund, the implications of Covid on both the performance and the asset allocation.

2021: gotta have faith – in low discount rates

It’s been a tumultuous 2020, but the year ahead will be different and we are positioning ourselves to get the best risk-adjusted returns over the next 12-18 months.

Covid-19 vaccines, lockdowns and equities

Research research research

With the Covid-19 case count rising rapidly across the United States and Europe, the immediate economic outlook associated with renewed lockdowns is turning darker.

What the US election means for markets… and what it doesn’t!

The election cycle will increase short-term volatility, but we don’t believe it will have much influence on market averages over the long term.

Investment team updates – bullet points 4 September

Pensions Watch – November 2020

Find the latest key market updates regarding the following asset classes: Fixed income, European equities, US equities, Japanese equities, Global equities, Multi-asset.

Asset Allocation Update – Sep 2020


Find out about our latest asset allocation.