Summer slumber soothes markets

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Our fixed income team provide their weekly snapshot of market events.

Discovering which business models will prosper after the pandemic

Discovering which business models will prosper after the pandemic

Negative, unchanged and positive impacts

Research, research, research…

Research research research

At Columbia Threadneedle Investments, our team of 180 analysts and research associates is dedicated to original, independent research. Working collaboratively across all major asset classes our teams utilize big data and analytics, such as machine learning and augmented intelligence, to turn information into forward-looking insights that add real value to investment decisions, enabling consistent and replicable outcomes for our clients.

Tracking the pandemic – the challenges of interpreting fast-changing data

Tracking the pandemic the challenges of interpreting fast data

“The Covid-19 pandemic is generating huge quantities of case count data as the
disease advances around the world. We have seen countries and regions that were hit earliest move through the initial peak and into a period of declining incidence, while those affected more recently are still recording rapid rises in infections and fatalities. But the data raises as many questions as it answers.”

Covid-19 – estimating the impact of market disorder on asset prices

Covid-19 - estimating the impact of market disorder on asset prices

Asset prices contain enormous amounts of information. This information is typically characterised as being both forward-looking and related to the economy – money-weighted investor expectations about future company earnings, defaults, inflation, monetary and fiscal policy. And, in our opinion, this is almost right. Asset prices consist largely of forward-looking expectations, but they also contain information about the current state of the financial system itself.

Discovering which business models will prosper after the pandemic

Discovering which business models will prosper after the pandemic

Negative, unchanged and positive impacts

Investment team updates – bullet points 14 August

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Find the latest key market updates regarding the following asset classes: Fixed income, European equities, US equities, Japanese equities, Global equities, Multi-asset.

Investment team updates – bullet points 07 August

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Find the latest key market updates regarding the following asset classes: Fixed income, European equities, US equities, Japanese equities, Global equities, Multi-asset.

Asset Allocation Update – July 2020

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We all know – or rather, have heard of – Warren Buffet. One of his more famous mantras is: to get rich you need to be fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful. Of course, this is much harder than it sounds, particularly over the long term. But it captures well how we have traversed asset markets in the short but tumultuous recent months, raising our appetite for risk near the March nadir, and then reversing back down to neutral at the end of June.

Investment team updates – Bullet points 10 July

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Find the latest key market updates regarding the following asset classes: Fixed income, European equities, US equities, Japanese equities, Global equities, Multi-asset.