Where to next for UK Interest rates?

glass elevators on building interior

Market odds for the Bank of England to cut rates in August are better than 50:50. We are less optimistic.

Life under Labour: what is the macro background for the new Government, their likely budget plans and the impact on the economy?


After inheriting a dire fiscal position how will Labour deliver economic growth? We take a closer look at their options and plans.

A tough fiscal reality awaits new government

River view of Houses of Parliament at sunset

A record year for elections – but what do they mean for markets?

Elections, interest rates and markets

Vote being placed in ballot box

A record year for elections – but what do they mean for markets?

Back to basics: why the time is right for a return to multi-asset

The great reset in bond yields and the prospect of inflation falling further means multi-asset is once again an attractive option for investors seeking a smoother return profile.

Politics, Inflation & Interest Rates

People gathered in modern building

ECB to cut rates this week.

Inflation falls: how far will interest rates follow?

Bank of England

Inflation is finally falling in the US, UK and Europe, but will we see greater dispersion in central bank actions?

Rate cuts to start in June

Gherkin, City of London

In Europe, a June cut is likely – but what about the UK and US?.

Interest rate cuts back on the agenda

Numbers and Data

Pessimism about the prospects for US interest rates cuts has been growing steadily as 2024 has developed. But there was a big change last Friday.

Earnings season: Will Q1 earnings deliver?

Thames at sunset

After a strong start to the earnings season, a big week lies ahead.