When will the bond Bear Market end?

European Central Bank Building, Frankfurt

Central banks are maintaining the ‘higher for longer’ narrative. Steven Bell, Chief Economist EMEA, explains why he thinks cuts are likely early in 2024

Interest rates: higher for longer or big cuts in 2024?

Looking up at glass skycrapers

Central banks are maintaining the ‘higher for longer’ narrative. Steven Bell, Chief Economist EMEA, explains why he thinks cuts are likely early in 2024

Will recession be the price of defeating inflation?

Any recession in the US looks set to be mild. But what about the prospects for Europe, the UK and beyond?

The resilience of earnings

Young woman running by the river Thames

As we head into the Q3 reporting season we explore what’s in store. Robert Plant of our Multi-Asset team explains why company earnings look set to broadly beat expectations.

When will interest rates be cut?

Colorful ferris wheel in an amusement park against blue sky

Steven Bell, Chief Economist EMEA, on why he is optimistic that interest rates will be cut early in 2024, starting in the US with the UK and Europe to follow.

Is inflation beaten?

Looking up at four office buildings

Peak rates are close for the US and UK, says Steven Bell, Chief Economist EMEA. But where the two countries go from there could be quite different

The Bank of England is rushing to sell its gilts. For investors, this could be an opportunity.

Traffic passing building in blur

Christopher Mahon of our Multi-Asset team discusses whether this is another ‘selling gold at the bottom’ moment.

Are Europe and the UK heading for recession?

City Skyline

Steven Bell, our Chief Economist EMEA, thinks the PMIs are too pessimistic. Sighting broader economic data, he explains why.

UK inflation to fall and labour market to weaken: good news for interest rates

Steven Bell, Chief Economist EMEA, shares his reading of the numbers that give him confidence rates have peaked or are within 25 bps of the peak.

Has the Bank of England got it all wrong?

Royal Exchange London

Last week the Bank of England raised base rates to 5.25%, the 14th increase since tightening started in late 2021.